Sunday 22 February 2009

The truths about the world we live in.

The New World Order is an ideology created by a select few group of people who wish to dominate the globe for their own financial and political gain. Most people will laugh off the idea as just being some sort of conspiracy, but let me tell you - it isn't - it is very real. 

The New World Order is the brainchild of American banking dynasties such as the Rockefeller, Rothschild and Morgan dynasties. It is linked to the Illuminati, again something which people think is the creation of a certain Dan Brown's imagination. It is also a reality. The Illuminati (High-level Freemasons) are comprised of royalty, U.S. presidents, international bankers and clergymen of the Catholic Church. 

Some of the goals of this order include the depopulisation of the Earth by some 85%, microchipping every single man, woman and child in a bid to control us all, as well as a world government, world army and world financial system. Please, please put aside what you already believe in and give all this information I am giving you a chance. This is not some sort of wild conspiracy, it is the truth, and it is happening now. 

Everyone is behind Barack Obama, believing that he will bring change and new beginnings to the world. It is all a load of NONSENSE. Obama is merely a finger puppet for the bankers that funded his campaign. They PUT him where he is. THEY are the ones who make the policies, not the U.S. government. Governments have the power to do NOTHING. Democracy is an illusion for what is really going on. Money rules everything, not governments and democracy. 

I will give you an example of this. How many people have heard of the North American Union? Ha. That's right. I hadn't heard of it too. Right now in the U.S., Congress is trying to push through a bill in which all borders between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will be removed, under the pretence that this is for "security" and to "promote free trade". In fact, it is not. The New World Order eventually plans to merge the already in existence European Union, African Union and the forthcoming North American and Asian Unions in a bid to eventually have world control. A single currency is also on the cards. There are videos on the internet which clearly show Barack Obama denying that this is even happening. Well guess what? It is. 

Also, to go back to the microchipping issue, just google 'RFID Chip' and you will see just how horrific and how real all this is. There are already people around the world (mainly in the U.S.) getting microchipped because they believe that it is in their interests to do so, because of 'security reasons'. 

Here are some facts you need to know: 

- The financial crisis we are seeing now is a fabrication in a bid to get people into more and more debt, thus enslaving them. 

- Most of the major wars we have seen over the last century were fabrications for political, territorial and financial gain. 

- Barack Obama and Gordon Brown are GLOBALISTS, meaning that they want to centralize power - again to support the wishes of the New World Order. 

- The United Nations is not an entity which exists to help alleviate poverty and keep peace. The UN was created by the people behind the New World Order so that power could be centralized towards it. It is a bad, fraudulent organisation just like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are. 

- All the major news networks, be it Sky, CNN, NBC, ABC and so on ARE OWNED BY THE SAME GROUP OF PEOPLE. These people support the agenda or are part of the New World Order, therefore news is pre-filtered so that the people in power only let you know what they want you to know and make you believe what they want to believe. Get your news information from INDEPENDENT, ONLINE SOURCES, not your TV or the mainstream newspapers.

- The world economy is not going to get better any time soon - all it is going to do is further reduce the standard of living for us all. More of us will be homeless and jobless as time goes on. This is what the truly powerful want.

- People who have spoken out against the New World Order, most notably John F. Kennedy, have been KILLED for exposing the agenda of the Order. 

- An annual meeting, held once a year by the Bildeberg Group in secret locations with no media access WHATSOEVER, is a collation of presidents, industrialists, bankers and royals who discuss the agenda of the New World Order in a bid to further it. 

- A lot of the most powerful people on this planet are Occultists who want the power all for themselves. They do not care about you or your family's wellbeing - in fact in their eyes, if you dropped dead tomorrow you would be doing them a favour. 

- The poverty and suffering seen around the world could be ENTIRELY ALLEVIATED MANY TIMES OVER for a fraction of the $153 billion dollars the U.S. spends annually on defence. 

- The September 11th attacks were not carried out by terrorists - it was an inside job done to put fear in the minds of the public so that they would submit to anything they are told, making them believe that terrorism is a real threat. 

- Terrorism and Al-Qaeda is a FABRICATION. There is no such thing as Al-Qaeda. It is an instrument by which fear is created in the public mind. Al-Qaeda is in fact the name of an old CIA database. Think about it - if Bin Laden was such a threat, then surely the most powerful nation on this earth, what with all its resources, could find out where this man is or was and eliminate him..?

If you think that I'm completely insane for saying all this, then with all due respect I would like to say that I truly feel sorry for you. If you are able to set aside the belief systems that you are conditioned to think are the ultimate truth when growing up, then you will be able to see the reality of it all. You will realise what your existence is and truly means. Please see the links below and research into this topic as much as you possibly can, and spread the word to everyone you know. The devil is here on earth, not in Hell. Wake up and smell the coffee. 


Google keywords: New World Order, David Icke, Alex Jones, Bildeberg Group, Illuminati, Zeitgeist, North American Union, Law of Sea Treaty, Financial Collapse, Ron Paul.

Google video: Wake Up Call, 4-3 Illuminati Five Sense Conspiracy: The men behind Obama, Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance, The Illuminati and the Creation of the New World Order.

Youtube: New World Order, thealexjoneschannel.

Thank you for reading and I pray to God that you will be able to see sense. 


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